Privacy Policy


AALOJA T ADMINISTRACION  DE ALOJAMIENTOS TEMPORALES, with address at Emiliano Zapata 306, Colonia Reforma, CP 68050, Oaxaca, Mexico, telephone (951) 672 6500 and internet portal, is responsible for the use and protection of your personal data, and in this regard we inform you of the following:

For what purposes will we use your personal data?

We will use the personal data that we collect from you for the following purposes that are necessary for the service you request:

  • Accommodation reservation
  • Online payments
  • Sending information related to the hosting service

What personal data will we use for these purposes?

To carry out the purposes described in this privacy notice, we will use the following personal data:

  • Identification data
  • Contact information

How can you access, rectify or cancel your personal data, or oppose its use?

You have the right to know what personal data of yours we have, what we use it for and the use we give it (Access). Likewise, it is your right to request the correction of your personal information if it is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete (Rectification); that we delete it from our records or databases when we consider that it is not being used appropriately (Cancellation); as well as oppose the use of your personal data for specific purposes (Opposition). These rights are known as ARCO rights.

To exercise any of the ARCO rights, you must submit the respective request by email to the following address:

The application must contain the following information and documentation:

Name of owner
• Current documents that prove your identity (simple copy in electronic format of your voter ID card, passport or Visa Fm2 or Fm3) or, where applicable, the legal representation of the Holder (simple copy in electronic format of the simple power of attorney letter with handwritten signature of the Holder, the representative and their corresponding valid official identification: voter ID, passport or Visa Fm2 or Fm3);
The clear and precise description of the data with respect to which you seek to exercise any of the ARCO Rights
In the case of requests for rectification of personal data, the Owner must also indicate the modifications to be made and provide the documentation that supports their request.

To comply with the obligation to access your personal data, it will be done after accreditation of the identity of the owner or the personality of the representative, through the email address indicated by

The contact details of the person or department in charge of processing ARCO rights requests are as follows:

a) Person or Department: Olivia Ruiz Pioch
b) Address: Emiliano Zapata 306, col. Reforma, CP 8050, Oaxaca de Juárez
c) Email:
d) Telephone number: (951) 195 2642

You can revoke your consent for the use of your personal data

You can revoke the consent that, if applicable, you have given us for the processing of your personal data. However, it is important that you keep in mind that not in all cases we will be able to respond to your request or terminate the use immediately, since it is possible that due to some legal obligation we require to continue processing your personal data.

To revoke your consent you must submit your request through the following means:

The request must be sent to the email address indicated above and contain the full name of the owner, the reason for revoking their consent and the identification or identifications, in electronic format, with which the owner or their legal representative proves their identity (simple copy in electronic format of your voter ID card, passport or Fm2 or Fm3 Visa or, where applicable, simple copy in electronic format of the power of attorney with the handwritten signature of the Holder, the agent and their corresponding valid official identification: voter ID card , passport or Visa Fm2 or Fm3).

The owner will receive a response by email within a maximum period of 15 days from the date the request is received.

How can you limit the use or disclosure of your personal information?

In order for you to limit the use and disclosure of your personal information, we offer you the following means:

The use of tracking technologies on our internet portal

We inform you that on our website we use cookies, web beacons or other technologies, through which it is possible to monitor your behavior as an internet user, as well as provide you with a better service and experience when browsing our website. We will use the personal data that we collect through these technologies to understand the needs of the users of our websites.

The personal data we obtain from these tracking technologies is the following:

  • Region the user is in
  • User browser type
  • User operating system type

How can you find out about changes to this privacy notice?

This privacy notice may be modified, changed or updated due to new legal requirements; of our own needs for the products or services we offer; of our privacy practices; Changes in our business model, or other causes.

We undertake to keep you informed about any changes that may occur to this privacy notice, through the following means:

  • Personal email notice
  • Our website (
  • Ads visible in our accommodations

Last update and web launch: October 7, 2023